Accident & Near Miss Reporting

Make accident or near miss reporting as simple as it can be, giving your teams the tools to help everyone on site be empowered to quickly report a range of issues.

Easily configure the system to work for your business, enabling the instant capture of any type of incident so the right teams get alerted.
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Accident and Near Miss Reporting Intuitive issue reporting tools for all your employees

With Work Wallet, you can easily report and manage all types of incident on site, including near misses, accidents and concerns in real time.

The Accident module gives you a range of powerful yet simple to use tools to help ensure even minor concerns are reported, investigated and closed, creating a safer site for all your teams.
Quickly Report

Report on a range of issue types quickly on the mobile app.

Simple Interface

A simple interface for all your users helps capture accurate data.

Powerful KPIs

Rich KPI data helps you get deeper insights into your accident reporting statistics.

Accident & Near Miss Reporting Features Everything needed to quickly report, investigate and prevent accidents

With a full suite of accident and incident reporting tools, your teams can easily benefit from quick access to reporting and investigation features.

Our platform provides industry-leading mobile app design and configuration tools to ensure the system is instantly understandable by your users.
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  • Report incidents quickly and easily - keep your workforce safe and your business compliant
  • Capture rich information - including marked up photos and location points
  • Instant Alerts - Notify the relevant teams with SMS and Email notifications
  • Containment Checklists - Build checklists for your site teams to record vital information
  • Incident Investigation - A range of tools to help with your investigations, including Root Cause Analysis and Timelines
  • Site Conditions - Automatically capture local site weather conditions at the time of the incident
  • Offline Support - Record Issues even with no signal
  • Fully Configure - Easily build your own Issue categories and custom workflows to suit your business and sector
Real Time Updates
Real time updates

From the easy and direct reporting of issues in the mobile app, you can easily track the latest details of an incident, its investigation and actions wherever you are.

Health and safety Actions
Action Assignment

Through all stages of the Incident Report, you can assign actions to ensure the right steps to resolve the issue are put in place. Your team can quickly provide updates to their actions, including uploading photos and the latest status.

Accident Investigation - record and report anyway anytime
Incident Investigation

The Accident Reporting module provides a range of tools to help with your accident investigations, including an investigation checklist, Root Cause Analysis records and an Event Timeline builder to show a clear picture of what happened.

QR Code Scanning
QR Code Reporting

Do you need to provide more public access for people to report issues? Work Wallet's unique QR code reporting system allows anyone to raise an issue direct with the site management team.

Trusted by industry leaders worldwide

Industry Leading App Design

Having a tool in hand, that's simple to use, yet powerful in its features, is a key part of the Work Wallet platform offering. Our mobile app helps teams be more engaged and proactive, with everything they need at their fingertips.

Incident & Accident Reporting News, blogs and updates

Information and top tips to help you get the most from your incident management software.

Connecting Tech and Turnstiles - Work Wallet partners with Crewsight in the US

ASSA ABLOY and Work Wallet ConTech collaboration helps US jobsites manage workforce safety and compliance.

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Work Wallet at the Birmingham Health and Safety Show 2024

We were delighted attending and exhibiting at the Health and Safety show in Birmingham, we blew the marketing budget :) and went big, launching our new contractor management module and what buzz it created.

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Contractor Management going digital

Going Digital with Contractor Management A survey of EHS professional in the last 6 months when asked about Contractor Management...

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Create a new account - Get started with Work Wallet's health and safety management tools today

What's next?

If you'd like to find out more about our Accident & Near Miss Reporting module, you can get a free demo, sign up online or discover more about other features in the Work Wallet platform.
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Accident Reporting FAQs

Can I configure the types of accident that get reported?
Who gets notified when an issue is reported?
Can I setup my own questions to be asked when an accident is reported?
Are there integrated reports within Work Wallet?
Have more questions?
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